Effective QA

Streamline QA with faster bug reporting

Increase Efficacy of QA

20x Faster Bug Reporting

Efficient bug reporting and resolution free up development resources for revenue-generating new features.

Faster Bug Resolution at Lower Cost

Speed up bug resolution by allowing testers to report bugs with rich context, for any application, on any platform.

Collect Early Feedback for Superior Products

Effective early feedback collection and resolution empowers high-quality, faster customer-centric product development.

Get Started on Your Journey to Easily Capture Bugs with Rich Diagnostics

Sign up now
Visually capture issues with screenshots or screen recording and explain with annotation
Detailed bug reporting with Redpen’s Auto-fill Templates
Redpen integrates with Jira, Azure DevOps, and GitHub Issues

Capture Bugs Visually With One Click

Visually capture issues with screenshots or screen recording and explain with annotation

Capture screenshots or record interactive application experience with voice-over to provide required details and feedback on bugs.

  • Eliminate ambiguous feedback using annotations
  • Protect sensitive information (PII) with built-in algorithms
  • Transcribe voice feedback to text

Auto-fill Templates

Detailed bug reporting with Redpen’s Auto-fill Templates

Template to eliminate monotonous tasks of manually filling all fields every time.

  • Prepopulate issue fields
  • Customizable per user
  • Available on all platforms

Seamless Integration With Your Issue Tracking Systems

Redpen integrates with Jira, Azure DevOps, and GitHub Issues

Seamlessly integrate with any issue-tracking system, including proprietary solutions.

  • Out-of-the-box integration with Jira, Azure, and GitHub Issues
  • Open APIs for integration with proprietary issue-tracking systems
  • Rich view of diagnostics within your issue-tracking system or service desk
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