Redpen For Developers
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Redpen For Service
Take a glance at the features and value your organization can offer to customers.
Redpen For Developers
Redpen For Service
Use Cases
Frictionless Customer Feedback
Agile Product Development
Effective QA
User Acceptance Testing
Use Cases
Frictionless Customer Feedback
Agile Product Development
Effective QA
User Acceptance Testing
Use Cases
Frictionless Customer Feedback
Agile Product Development
Effective QA
User Acceptance Testing
Redpen For Developers
Redpen For Service
Use Cases
Frictionless Customer Feedback
Agile Product Development
Effective QA
User Acceptance Testing
Getting Started
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Getting Started
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How to install a widget on the Shopify website
Custom Scripting
PII Redaction
One Click Capture Screenshot
Session Replay
Connect Redpen to HubSpot
Connect Redpen to Slack
Connect Redpen to GitHub
Connect Redpen to Azure DevOps
Connect Redpen to Jira Cloud
Adding Your Own Custom Fields
Open Redpen Widget in Full Screen Mode
Viewing Diagnostic Information
Enabling Microsoft 365 Users to Sign Up for Redpen with Their Company Domain Email Address
Configure Redpen - Pipeline Reporter for Jira Plugin in Jenkins Job/Pipeline
Install Redpen - Pipeline Reporter for Jira Plugin
Generate Redpen Jenkins Token
Install Redpen - Pipeline Reporter for Jira add-on
Create the Jira Rule to Set the Epic According to the Labels
Open Redpen Widget on Custom Events
Send Custom Data with Diagnostic Information
Redpen Widget JavaScript API
Install Redpen Widget on a Wix website
Install Redpen Widget on a Webflow website
Integrate Redpen Android SDK into your Application
Install Redpen Widget on a Website
Create Redpen Widget for Mobile
Get the Redpen Widget Script
Get the Redpen Widget ID
Create Redpen Widget for Website
Creating the First Issue Using Redpen
What features does the Redpen Widget offer?
Will I automatically be charged after my trial ends?
Who should I contact if I have billing-related questions about my Redpen account?
Can I buy both Redpen for services and Redpen for developers?
How can I change my current subscription plan?
What happens if I cancel or downgrade the Redpen account?
Can I switch between annual and monthly billing?
Is my credit card information secure?
Where do I find my invoices and payment receipts?
How can I change my payment details?
How can I delete my Redpen account?
How can I see diagnostic information in Jira/Azure DevOps Organization?
Can I hide the console log?
Can I send custom bug metadata with every ticket? and how?
What is Redpen diagnostic policy?
Does the user need to do anything to capture diagnostic information?
How does the diagnostic information get associated with the ticket submitted?
What diagnostic information does Redpen capture?
How many Azure DevOps Organization sites can I connect to?
How many Jira sites can I connect to?
How can I see my ticket in Azure DevOps Organization?
How can I see my ticket in Jira?
How do I connect Redpen to GitHub issues?
How to configure Redpen to connect with Jira Service Management?
How do I configure Redpen to connect with a Azure DevOps Organization?
How do I configure Redpen to integrate with Jira?
How can the widget be customized to match my company branding?
Does Redpen widget run in local development environments?
Can I change the language in the Redpen capture widget?
Can I change the position where the Redpen widget appears?
Can I customize Redpen Widget?
How can users submit feedback with Redpen?
How do I embed the Redpen Widget on my mobile app?
How can I embed the Redpen Widget on my website / web application?
How do I get the script for the Redpen widget?
How can I create a Redpen Widget?
How do I invite a user to join a team?
Can a user join more than one team?
How do I invite my team members to Redpen?
Can I add a team to Redpen?
How to download the Redpen desktop app?
How can I install the Redpen browser extension?
Can users capture multiple screenshots while providing feedback using Redpen?
How can I control the visibility of the Redpen widget?
Why does the Redpen capture widget not show though the snippet was installed?
Is there a long delay between the user submitting feedback and the issue appearing in my ticketing system?
Can Redpen widgets slow down my site?
Why is the widget or feedback button not showing on my application or website?
What are the main advantages of using the Redpen browser extension?
How do I capture screenshots and screen recordings using the Redpen browser extension?
Which browser extension does Redpen offer?
How to install the Redpen browser extension?
Does Redpen provide any training for product usage?
Whom should I contact if I need help from the technical team?
Does Redpen provide support?
How do I connect the Jira site and Azure DevOps Organization with Redpen?
How do I get started with Redpen?
What is the Redpen Jenkins Plug-in and how does it work?
In Redpen for Service what is the difference between Redpen Standard and the Basic plan?
In Redpen for Developers what is the difference between Redpen Standard and the Basic plan?
What is the difference between Redpen for developers and Redpen for Services?
What is the short-cut key for screenshots and screen recordings?
Is Redpen storing user data?
Does Redpen support end-to-end encryption?
Does Redpen have a mobile SDK?
Can I import/upload the file to Redpen?
Can we hide parts of screenshots for privacy reasons?
Are there specific types of applications with which I can use Redpen?
How Redpen is different from other feedback tools?
Who can use Redpen?
What is Redpen?
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Getting Started
Redpen For Developers
Redpen For Service
Get started
What is Redpen?
Who can use Redpen?
Is Redpen storing user data?
Read more
Connect a Jira site to Redpen
How to create Redpen Widget
How to view Diagnostics Information
Read more
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